The 2024 Jake's Steel & Welding Rejex Classic Rally will take place Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 August! This year marks the 69th Anniversary of the inaugural Rejex Rally, which took place in response to the Redex Trial not coming to Darwin in 1955, hence we were "Rejex".
If you are not familiar with the Rejex Classic Rally, it comprises cruising between locations with navigational challenges, questions and activities along the way. There are also motorkhana-style driving tests at certain locations. Points are assigned for completion of all activities, and there are awards for outright and handicap & class results based on vehicle age.
For 2024 and in response to feedback we have introduced two entry options:
Competitor - Rejex Rally: Persons registered under the "Competitor - Rejex Rally" option shall be eligible for results in the event competitive activities. This is the traditional event entry option. You and your crew can register under this option and you can specify who is going to be a competing driver (you may have multiple competing drivers per vehicle) and who is supporting them in the competition activities. As well as eligibility for awards this option includes vehicle event stickers with competition number, and for each person registered an event shirt and meals (lunch and dinner on both Saturday & Sunday, and breakfast on Sunday).
Attendee - Rejex Classic: Anyone who wants to join the social fun of the Rejex but who does not wish to compete can do so in the Rejex Classic. This is NOT a competitive activity. Each vehicle registered for the Rejex Classic option shall receive vehicle event stickers without any competition number section. Each person registered shall receive an event shirt, event meals (lunch and dinner on both Saturday & Sunday, and breakfast on Sunday), and is eligible to participate in navigational activities if they wish whilst not being eligible for any awards.
The intent of the Rejex Classic Rally is for enthusiasts of all ages and motor vehicles of all eras to come together for a great social weekend of driving. For those who wish to do so and whom register for the "Rejex Rally" option there are fun driving challenges. Some of these shall be motorkhana-style courses and the driver may take it as easy as they wish. Other challenges are designed to test the driver whilst providing a level playing field for cars of all eras. This has included activities such as:
- navigating a low speed slalom whilst trying not to spill a full cup of water held outside the vehicle; or
- determining the narrowst gap your car may fit through with more points deducted the greater the gap to the vehicle body.
Drivers of 12 (twelve) and older are eligible to register as Competitors, but must hold a Motorsport Australia licence for the event. Vehicles driven on transport stages (including trailers) must be registered for on-road use and when on the road must be driven by a person with a suitable NT or equivalent drivers licence. The intent is for vehicles participating in the Rejex Classic Rally to be driven throughout the event, not trailered, and Competitors may only earn full points in the Rejex Rally if they make a genuine effort to drive their vehicle for all parts of the event.
Entry is $160 per person. Please provide details for each person attending and if using the "Competitor - Rejex Rally" option indicate if they will be driving the vehicle as a competitor or not. Competing drivers are those attempting the driving tests and will be assigned a competitor number. If you are only sharing on-road driving duties you need a valid road licence and can register for the event under the "Competitor - Rejex Rally" option as crew and be eligible for awards. If you wish to attend and no one in your vehicle intends to compete, you may use the the "Attendee - Rejex Classic" option.
All competing drivers must have a Motorsport Australia Speed or higher licence for the event. If you don't have one a single event licence can be purchased at event sign-on for $30.
Stay tuned for updates and spread the word to friends and family!
Thank you to our sponsors for helping make this event happen: